Monday, February 2, 2015

Duke Farms Foundation
Creating Meadows: 

The Story of Landscape Meadows
Discovering Meadows for Professionals"Creating Meadows", is a practical, how-to workshop designed to explore the development of a meadow from site preparation through post-planting maintenance.

On February 6, 2015, three top experts in meadow establishment and landscape restoration will talk about their successes and why meadows are a critical component of healthy landscapes. 

Agenda for February 6, 2015:
8:45 - 9:30 AM - Registration, light continental breakfast

9:30 - 9:45 AM - Welcome Michael Catania, Executive Director Duke Farms

9:45 - 10:30 AM - Thom Almendinger, Duke Farms, "Great Lawn to Great Meadow: The Evolution of Landscapes at Duke Farms"

10:30 - 12 AM - Neil DiBoll, Prairie Nursery, "Five Steps to Successful Meadow Establishment"   

12 - 1 PM - Lunch

1 - 2 PM - Dr. Jeffrey Keller, Habitat By Design, "Scales of Meadow Creation:  If You Build it, Who Will Come?"

2:15 - 3:15 PM  - Breakout session- working groups

3:15 PM - Final Q & A of all speakers.

Presenter Bios:
Thom Almendinger is the Director of Natural Resources and Agroecology for Duke Farms. He has developed and to continues direct a large-scale landscape restoration program on the 2,740-acre property that includes a range of habitats fostering nearly 30 species of wildlife, listed as threatened and endangered in New Jersey.   Additionally, Thom has directed the transformation of over 200 acres of manicured lawns to vibrant meadows across the property. 

Neil Diboll will present the keynote, "Five Steps to Successful Meadow Establishment". Neil is the President of Prairie Nursery and is recognized internationally as an expert in native community ecology. A proponent of the early prairie movement, Neil's goal goes beyond growing native plants to preserve a diverse gene pool and the genetic integrity reflected in the variability and adaptability of Nature itself. His knowledge, commitment and enthusiasm for native plants are at the root of Prairie Nursery's mission and have sustained the nursery through the decades.

Dr. Jeffrey Keller is principal for Habitat by Design and has 25 years of experience in restoration ecology including landscape design to control nuisance species, stream channel restoration design and the design of created wetlands to filter stormwater runoff. His diverse list of clients includes Walt Disney Company, T. Rowe Price, Johnson & Johnson, the City of Philadelphia and the Trump Organization.