Seasonal Interest

Happy Holidays for the Birds
By Laurie Rispoli, Tappan Master Gardener

Whatever holiday you celebrate: Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, Winter Solstice, or another one – it’s a wonderful time of year to put “gifts” outside for all of our creature friends to enjoy as well. 
Is there an evergreen, holly, or another tree in your yard that you can “decorate”?  You can use the following as your decorations that your feathered friends, as well as those cute little four-legged friends (squirrels, chipmunks) will love! 

1) Suet pine cones – put florist wire or twine around the fat end of the pine cone by slipping it under the pine cone scales being careful not to break the scales.  Put on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper for easy clean up.  Mix equal parts of peanut butter and cornmeal until blended.  Use a tablespoon to spread the mixture onto the pine cone, leaving some scales empty so birds can land on them without getting sticky feet.  Use a knife to push the mixture into the crevices – carefully, to avoid breaking the pine cone scales.  Hang in your tree. 

2) String peanuts (in the shell) and/or cranberries into a garland to string on the tree.

3) Cut an apple, pear, orange, etc – into quarters.  “Sew” a string through a small square piece of cardboard (as an anchor), then the fruit pieces (thickest areas, best through the skins of the fruit, so they don’t fall off).  Tie a thick knot under the cardboard end, and use the other end to tie a loop for hanging.  You can put a couple of different fruits on the string, then hang it in your tree . 

4) Cut bagels in half.  Spread each half with peanut butter.  Dip in a dish that has sunflower seeds (whole or shelled, but not salted), or chopped nuts (not salted).  Put a ribbon or twine through the bagel hole to hang on tree.

5) Buy some of the bird seed “bells” you see at the store for your tree. 

Don’t have a tree but still want to try these? A shepherds hook will work just as well. 

Don’t forget that the birds and critters still need water.  If you have a birdbath, you can buy a heater for it at a pet store or bird center.  If not, just put a dish of water out during the day in a sunny spot, so they can get a drink. 

Happy Wildlife Gardening!