Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), threatens the viability of every blueberry and fall raspberry grower in the state. Growers of fall raspberries, mid-late season blueberries, and day-neutral strawberries can learn how to manage SWD at three regional workshops offered by the NYS Berry Growers Association. The Central NY workshop will be held on December 17th in Syracuse; register by December 10th to attend. Eastern NY and Western NY workshops will follow. NYSBGA President, Dale Ila Riggs advises, “THIS is the place to learn current SWD information, the most recent research results, and management practices. The 2015 Producers’ Expo will focus on other topics of importance to berry growers.”
Presentations by Cornell researchers, Extension, and the NYS Berry Growers Association will address SWD biology, early warning signs and symptoms of infestation, field management strategies, and decision-making resources. Attendees will participate in hands-on activities, and receive a take-home reference binder and supplies. 7 Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) credits will be offered, and 5.5 DEC credits are available in categories 1A, 10, 22, 23 & 24.
Workshop registration is $25 per person for NYSBGA Members, and $50 per person for Non-Members, which includes lunch and take-home materials. Participants can save on workshop registration by joining the NYS Berry Growers Association; 2015 Membership is $125 and applies to two individuals per farm. Associate Membership is $75 for non-profit agricultural professionals.
Regional dates (all workshops 8:30AM-4:00 PM) and locations:
December 17, 2014 Ramada Inn, 1305 Buckley Rd., Syracuse, NY Register by Dec. 10
January 14, 2015 CCE Albany Co., 24 Martin Rd., Voorheesville, NY Register by Jan. 7
March 4, 2015 Clarion Hotel, 8250 Park Rd., Batavia, NY Register by Feb. 25
The workshops are sponsored by the NYS Berry Growers Association, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the NYS IPM Program, with funding support from the NYS Legislature and NY Farm Viability Institute.
For SWD workshop details and registration, visit: http://www.hort.cornell.edu/grower/nybga/swdworkshops/index.html or contact: Penny Heritage, NYS Berry Growers Association, (518) 424-8028, pennyh@nycap.rr.com